3. Dogmatics as an Act of Faith Dogmatics, according to Barth, is always a part of the work of human knowledge, but a work "under a particularly decisive condition." (I/1/17) Beyond all the other requirements of the disciplines of human knowledge, dogmatics presupposes Christian faith, and as such "is a function of the Christian Church."(ibid.) … Continue reading I/1 § 1: The Task of Dogmatics (3)
Category: I/1 § 1
I/1 § 1: The Task of Dogmatics (2)
2. Dogmatics as an Enquiry Barth defines dogmatics as "the self-examination of the Christian Church in respect of the content of its distinctive talk about God." (I/1/11) He notes that he will continue this discussion in §7, The Word of God, Dogma, and Dogmatics. Barth begins one of his characteristic circular movements, because this sub-section … Continue reading I/1 § 1: The Task of Dogmatics (2)
I/1 § 1: The Task of Dogmatics (1)
I. The Church, Theology, Science. St. Thomas begins Summa Theologiae (a.k.a. Summa Theologica) by delineating whether sacra doctrina is necessary or whether a human properly should stick to "philosophical disciplines" (by which he means anything available to human intelligence). Thus it was necessary that, besides the philosophical doctrines which can be investigated by reason, there … Continue reading I/1 § 1: The Task of Dogmatics (1)