About the Author

My name is Gavin Ferriby. I work as University Librarian in at a university in Fairfield, Connecticut, USA.

My academic background includes degrees in librarianship (M.S. Columbia University), and Church History (Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary), .

I’m also involved in project regarding the development of liturgical allegory in the early work of Amalarius of Metz (a continuation of my dissertation work). In 2008 I completed digital mark-up and presentation of 36 papyri in Trexler Library, Muhlenberg College (where I worked 2001-2006).  I write a blog about librarianship, digital scholarship, and related interests at The Extensible Librarian.

Interests: Academic librarianship, digital librarianship, digital resource management, digital preservation, digital publishing, library information technology, history of Christianity,  Karl Barth, medieval studies, and baseball (Cubs, Mets).

Selected Works: https://works.bepress.com/peter-gavin-ferriby/

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/gavinferriby